Science-Backed Strategies to Overcome Negative Thinking

"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but the thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking" Eckhart Tolle

''Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things''. Epictetus

''Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts, and, for many of us, this certainly is true''. Buddha

Are you noticing a pattern? All these quotes are trying to stress the importance of paying attention to the quality of your thoughts, as the thoughts you think ultimately will determine your destiny.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become your character.

And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny

Your brain is a three-pound universe that processes thousands thoughts each day using 128 billion neurons that connect at more than 500 trillion points through synapses that travel 300 miles/hour. The signals that travel through these interconnected neurons form the basis of memories, thoughts and feelings.

In this article, we’ll focus on your THOUGHTS and equip you with knowledge and tools to help you understand how you thoughts impacts the quality of your life and the results you can produce, thus helping you to get in the driver seat of your life.

The effective principle of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) is this: what we think about a situation, affects how we feel about it and what we do as a result. As we can better understand and influence our habitual thinking patterns, we can have better control of our moods and behaviors. CBC approach develops an awareness of the habitually recurring thinking patterns that create your mood states and reactions to events, circumstances and others. As negative thought patterns and moods can be personally and interpersonally destructive, we equip you with tools to minimize the impact of your thoughts on your mood, relationships, and overall quality of life.

cbc modelThis idea is helpful because it explains why people experiencing the same event can react in completely different ways, depending on the interpretation their mind jumped to.

cbc interpretations explained

We can always interpret a situation in different ways. This message was summarized most powerfully by Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist  and survivor of the Nazi concentration camps

 Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way

The meanings that we make affect the way we feel, and play a huge role in determining how we interact with other people and in response to everyday situations and circumstances. The interpretations we make about these events play a crucial role about the amount of stress we experience in our life.

Let's look at another example, let’s say someone cuts you off while you’re driving. 

And let’s assume that your automatic interpretation is “What a selfish and impatient jerk.” The interpretation would probably make you feel somewhere in between being mildly frustrated to being angry or infuriated. Depending on the intensity of the feeling, the behavior that would follow could range anywhere from screaming at the other driver or going into a complete road rage.

The way it commonly feels to us is that our assessment of this ‘other driver’ is obvious, and anyone in their right mind would make the same assessment if presented with the same circumstances. But believe it or not, our interpretation was our own doing, and it wasn’t the only possible interpretation that we could have made.

The important thing to understand here is that the way in which we interpret our experiences determine both how we feel, and also the way in which we interact with the outside world.

In the same way that we wouldn’t marry someone only seconds after meeting them for the first time, we don’t have to use the first interpretation that pops into our head, either.

In the example above, the possible ways to interpret someone cutting us off are endless. How about this one: The person had unexpected car trouble and now is running terribly late to an interview. Or maybe their wife went into labor and needs to get to a hospital ASAP. Or perhaps this person was called at work and informed that their parent just had a heart attack? Or maybe their brakes have failed? The bottom-line you don’t know for a fact what is going on in the life of that person and what is the reason for their aggressive driving.

None of those interpretations are better or worse than any others in an absolute way. But which one leaves you able to go on about your day feeling less disgruntled? Most likely not your initial assumption of the other driver being a complete jerk. Right?

Now Let's Take a look at the Actual Strategies to help you get unstuck from the mental traps and stop your mind from imprisoning you!

From the previous article we have learnt about the most common mental traps we tend to fall into ( Get to know most common mental traps that are causing stress in your life ). And now you have a good understanding of  how your thoughts can create feelings and influence your behaviors & interactions with others. Equipped with this knowledge, it’s time to look at the strategies to help you regain control of your mind, and ultimately your life.

Strategy I. Self-Awareness & Mindfulness of Thoughts

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” — Albert Einstein

Self-awareness is a component of Emotional Intelligence and can be improved through a process of monitoring and analysis ( learn more about the power of emotional intelligence)

To mitigate acting out our unconscious automatic negative thoughts, it’s important to become mindful of your thoughts instead of numbing or fighting them. First, the key is to notice automatic thoughts influenced by mental traps without getting caught up in their drama. The more you practice becoming aware of them as they arise, the less power they have over you. Once you become aware of your automatic negative thoughts, simply witness them with openness instead of with binding judgement.

Practice noticing your mental traps daily until this practice turns into an automatic habit. Every time you’re experiencing a mental trap, point it out to yourself. As an example, feeling anxious before a presentation at work. Are you telling yourself you’re going to fail? Are you thinking that if you fail this presentation, it will lead to a long line of failures and your whole career is at stake?

You can download Mental Traps Monitoring worksheet here (read more about Mental Traps & the impact they have on you) to help you develop self-awareness and become more mindful about mental traps you tend fall into and how your mood and behaviors are affected when you are imprisoned by your mind.

The rest of the strategies I share here fall under Personal competence and Self-management,  a component of Emotional intelligence that allows you to observe your thoughts, be flexible with your emotions, and consciously direct your behavior to achieve the desired outcomes in life (Learn more about The Power of Emotional Intelligence).

Strategy II.  Acceptance and Committed Action

Stop fighting reality and redirect your energy, attention, & nurture to things you want to grow in your life

two wolves story

Let me tell you a story that have changed my life.

I’ve heard this story about two wolves many years ago and since then I implemented this life-changing principle in my life and now I share this strategy with my clients.

 In this story, a grandfather is sharing wisdom about life with his grandkids. 

The story goes like this. There are two wolves inside us all battling to see who will take over. It is a terrible fight between two wolves.

The “BAD” wolf  expresses anger, envy, resentment, greed, pride, outrage, judgment, sadness, criticism, and doubt. 

The “GOOD” wolf expresses joy, appreciation, love, kindness, empathy, understanding, compassion, and humility.

This fight is going inside of every human-being, even if you don’t notice it.

“Which wolf will win?” — You may ask, as grandkids did.  “The one you feed the most.” — the wise grandfather simply replied.

So which wolf do you choose to feed? Do you see that you have a choice? If you cling to your anger, how can you let go of it and feed instead the wolf of kindness and understanding?

This story was so profound and made so much sense. Just like at the end of every fairy tale the good always triumphs the evil. So, I thought the solution is simple feed the “good” wolf, and starve the “bad” one. I fell into the trap of trying hard to banish so called “negative” side of myself. I would force myself to be 100% "good" and perfect all of the times. I would beat myself up for being anything less than 100%. I tried to get rid of those negative thoughts in my head and those "bad" emotions like anger or sadness. BUT, no matter how hard I tried to starve the so-called “bad” wolf, I felt that the wolf was not going anywhere and it only became angrier and more resentful ( this is my story of Acceptance & Committed Action).

The reality is both wolves will always be there and both wolves are there for a reason. This applies to our emotions, behaviors, habits, and every other aspect of our life. You won’t be able to get rid of the “bad” wolf. And if you try to starve it, he will be hiding around every corner waiting for you to become distracted or weak and jump to get the revenge it craves. 

Also, let’s remove the labels of “good” and “bad”, as nothing is good or bad in itself; but thinking makes it so. There is darkness and there is light. Both are necessary for us to engage with the experience of life in this universe. There is negativity and there is positivity. Just like electricity doesn’t exist with both a negative and a positive charge. We have two wolves inside of us: the wolf of “light” & "positive" and the wolf of “dark” & “negative”. The “positive” wolf has compassion, caring, and the ability to recognize what is in the best interest of all. But the “negative” wolf has many qualities, like tenacity, ambition, courage, fearlessness, strong will that we all need at times.

The truth is that none of us are living in pure bliss and we all go through hardships and experience unpleasant feelings. Personal growth is not about starving the negative wolf and trying to avoid feelings of anger or sadness. Personal growth is about accepting your entire self and learn to tame your wolves, so they support you in accomplishing your dreams and goals. Taming the negative wolf, not killing it — that’s how you neutralize your thoughts from causing misery and suffering. This was my revelation!

This is one of the main concepts of Acceptance Commitment Coaching (ACC), where you accept all your thoughts and feelings as they are. But, you are not allowing your thoughts and feelings direct what you do or don’t do. And you are able to make choices aligned with your values despite fears, doubts, and anxiety that might be present.

  • Feeling unmotivated to workout, workout anyway, because you value being healthy and fit.
  • Not feeling confident in your upcoming sales presentation, do it anyway, because it is important for you to share your passion about the product you have developed
  • Not happy with your spouse, show them your love, because you value your family and want to  show up as a kind and supportive partner

Remember that it’s so much easier to feed the negative wolf — this wolf is there to encourage you to stay in your comfort zone and play it small & safe. It’s easier to complain, procrastinate, dismiss, ignore, and give up. There is almost no effort required to do those things, and you’re getting the reward with the sensation of relieving and instant gratification without much an action.

The positive wolf is different; it takes conscious effort to feed it. It can be challenging and time-consuming to do things like learning, teaching, inspiring, sharing or simply sticking to a new behavior. These things take time and effort. And oftentimes you don’t see immediate results from them.

How you choose to interact with the opposite forces within you will determine your life. You can choose to starve one wolf or the other. Or you can see them as complementary interconnected and interdependent forces and learn how to guide both wolves within you. The choice is yours!

Strategy III. Step Back from Your Thoughts and Observe

Detach yourself from your thoughts and stop the negative wolf from eating you alive

Thoughts seem so real and so powerful. We tend to forget that in reality, thoughts are nothing more than  words and sounds in our heads. There is not really another person inside there. There is no one to argue with, and no one to win against. If a thought comes up like, “I am a bad person,” it can feel so true and so strong, and we can get lost in it. However, we can practice “stepping back” from our thoughts. We can remind ourselves, “I am having a thought that I am a bad person.” Or “ I’m noticing that I’m having a thought that I’m a bad person”. That thought is not you. Most likely, it is a sign that you are distressed.

‘'Defusion’' is a term coined by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to describe the ability to separate ourselves from our thoughts. On the contrary, ‘Fusion’ means getting caught up in our thoughts and letting them direct our behavior. In his book “ACT made simple,” Russ Harris defines ‘defusion’ as:

  • Looking at thoughts rather than from your thoughts
  • Noticing thoughts rather than being caught up in them
  • Letting thoughts come and go rather than holding on to them

Thoughts do not control our actions unless we allow them to do so. Remember not to overfeed your negative wolf. Neither your thoughts nor your emotions can determine how you behave. You are not your thoughts.

We can’t escape from our thoughts  and emotions, but we can decide what we do despite them. Remember, it’s about taming and guiding your internal wolves, not starving or killing them. You can be anxious and still do something that you set out for yourself to achieve. 

Dr. Russ Harris provides a practical exercise to experience this concept first-hand. Try it out for yourself now.
Silently repeat to yourself: “I can’t lift my arm.” Say it over, over, and over again.
Now, Lift your arm as you continue to say: “I can’t lift my arm.”
So, you lifted it despite your thoughts, right? Hopefully, you are getting the point.

chess boardYou are so used to believing what your mind tells you it that can easily mislead you. Becoming aware that you are not your thoughts and emotions is the first step towards defusing their influence.

You have thoughts and experience emotions, but they are not facts and don’t need to define who you are and what you can or cannot do.

Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC) calls this a shift from self-as-content to self-as-context.

So, instead of feeling like we ARE the content of our thoughts, we can practice recognizing that we HAVE thoughts. You have thoughts, but you are more than just your thinking.

Acceptance Commitment Coaching uses a chess board analogy to illustrate this point.

If you identify who you are with your thoughts, it is like identifying with the chess pieces on a chessboard. You get very caught up in which side is going to win, obsess about strategy, get anxious about moves and countermoves, and get upset if you lose. However, without the chessboard, there could not be a chess game. You are more like the chessboard. Without you, there could be no thoughts. The chessboard is not affected at all by the outcome of the game. The board does not care who wins or loses, and is not scared by the battle.

So, how do we detach from our thoughts

  • First, remember to use the following language anytime a distressing thought pops up in your head “I’m noticing that I’m having a thought that______”
  • Second, you can close your eyes, step back and watch your distressing thoughts like you’re watching a scary horror movie. The first time you see a good, chilling movie, you are lost in the action, sitting on the edge of your seat, and jumping every time something frightening happens. However, after you have seen the same movie 100 times, nothing surprises you. It is easy to remember that it is just a movie, and it unfolds in the same way every single time it plays. You know what is coming, and you know that in reality, you are only watching flickering lights projected on a screen. The thoughts in your head are no more than electrical impulses in your brain. While you may have some very real things to deal with in your life, thoughts themselves have no power other than what we give them.
  • Third, you can start observing your thoughts like clouds in the sky. Imagine that each thought you have is like a cloud in the sky and you mind is the sky itself. These clouds come and go during the day, some are white and fluffy, others are stormy and gloomy. In the same way your thoughts come and go, unless you give them your energy and attention, or start treating them as facts. Remember – You are not your thoughts!

So, when a negative thought  “I’m never going to be able to do this? arises. You have a few choices. Give your attention to that thought and fuel it by believing it is true  “here is why I can’t…” , thus spiraling down into the negative cycle. Or simply observing your thoughts like a movie or a cloud. “I’m noticing a thought that I’m never going to be able to do this”. Don’t agree or disagree, simply notice and let it float by and be replaced by another thought. 

Strategy IV. Thoughts Utility Analysis

This is a very effective technique that can help you challenge irrational, illogical, or harmful thinking habits and redirect your attention towards valued actions, thus giving you control of your life. The basic outline for this technique is to ask the following questions that are grouped in 2 parts:

part 1. Helps you relabel and reframe your irrational and negative thoughts

  • Is this thought true?
  • Is this thought realistic?
  • Am I basing my thoughts on facts, opinions, or on feelings?
  • What is the evidence for this thought?
  • Could I be misinterpreting the evidence?
  • What is the evidence against this thought?
  • Am I viewing the situation as black and white when it’s really more complicated?
  • Is there another explanation or another way of looking at things?
  • Am I having this thought out of habit, or do facts support it?

Part2. helps you redirect attention to the valued action path

  • Does having this thought serve me?
  • Does this thought help me achieve my desired outcomes?
  • Does this thought motivate and inspire me?
  • Is this thought kind to myself and others?
  • Who would I be without this negative thought?
  • What advice would I give to a friend who had this thought?
  • What do I really want to feel or create in the situation? What thought/s can help me move towards that?

After you answer these questions, you almost certainly will see that there are other ways to view the situation and better actions you can take that will bring you closer to the desired outcomes and the life you love.

When you start implementing these strategies, you are practicing a new way of thinking and behaving so that you are no longer likely to roll down the same old rutted mental pathway that is causing you suffering and relationship issues. Be patient and kind to yourself.

Remember, what you practice grows stronger! So, Practice daily until this new way of thinking becomes a new habit of your mind and you can guide your wolves with finesse.

When you improve Personal Competence realm of Emotional Intelligence, that includes both self-awareness and self-management 

  •  you will become more mindful of your mental traps that keep you stuck
  •  learn to step back from your thoughts and simply observe, without treating them as facts and reacting
  • learn to challenge any irrational thinking patterns that are ruing your relationships and preventing you from experiencing the success you deserve
  • develop more emotional flexibility, the ability to be responsive to changes rather than reactive, and the resilience to bounce back when things are difficult. 
  • start making choices based on your values and what’s important to you, despite your thoughts and feelings. This will allow you to create a path toward a more fully expressed and satisfying life. 

There is so much more for you to experience in life; all you need is to be willing to break out of your mind prison and the thought patterns that are keeping you constrained and distracted. If you are ready to get out of the prison of your mind and start living and leading your life authentically and on purpose, sign up for Emotional Intelligence coaching today!  


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The National Association of College & University Food Services

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"I was initially introduced to Anna as our learning facilitator for the Leadership & Innovation program at MIT. Her ‘Office Hours’ were so inspiring and we felt her passion to help people with their leadership journeys. I trusted her immediately. I was at a particular crossroad in my career path and life in general. On completion of my program, I had no hesitation to reach out to Anna for help. Anna listens patiently with no judgement..."

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"Anna is a wonderful executive coach. Regardless of the goals I set out, and the pivots that I needed to make, she was continuously able to steer me in the right direction so I could get past the hurdles in front of me. She has been quick to understand the root causes of roadblocks and ready with guidance on how to approach and overcome these obstacles. She is very patient and caring and always had a positive attitude when working with me. I..."

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"I am honored to recommend Anna Barnhill as an executive coach and leadership development expert. Having participated in multiple sessions she’s facilitated—from small team workshops to larger seminars—I can confidently say Anna possesses a rare ability to captivate every audience she engages. Her presence is immediate and magnetic; when she speaks, she commands the room with a blend of authority, clarity, and warmth that leaves..."

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"I first encountered Anna as my instructor for the Leadership and Innovation program at MIT Professional Education. I was immediately impressed by her credentials, openness, and comprehensive approach to leadership development. I was considering engaging an executive coach and am grateful that I was introduced to her through MIT. Anna has helped me navigate a complex time. Coming from an already successful career leading integrated production..."

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"Anna is a thoughtful, brilliant coach. Anna helped me shape my own authentic leadership style rooted in my values and supported by the best practices in the leadership field. I’ve worked with Anna on a wide range of topics including leadership, team management, talent development and managing my anxiety. Anna has given me very concrete ideas that I’ve been implementing daily at work - and she tailors her coaching to me, my leadership style..."

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"This journey has been incredibly enriching, providing me with profound insights into the latest digital transformation strategies and the critical role of leadership in fostering innovation. A Special thank you to Anna Barnhill for exeptional guidance and inspiring office hours. Her expertise and passion truly made this learning experience unforgettable. The experience not only broadened my strategic vision but also enhanced my ability to..."

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"As part of the professional development for my government office, our leadership encouraged us to take advantage of a professional coaches program. I did and based on recommendations from the algorithm, selected Anna based on our shared gender and our professional experiences in the IT career field. As of 2024, women make up 27.6% of the tech workforce. Over the months that she coached me, we had a series of stressful IT failures. Additionally..."

Charlie Hu

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"Anna helped me to achieve some big breakthroughs in the time that I worked with her. I had held strong limiting beliefs for a long time, and Anna was able to identify and help me to shift them. She did this beautifully with compassion and wisdom, while also holding the space and accountability for me to show up and do the work. I am so grateful to Anna for her partnership and support, and highly recommend her as a coach to anyone who is..."

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Erika Smakula

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"Anna was such a great help for me. She makes the effort to really assess the situation, was spot on with assessments of who I am as a person, helping me understand what I need to do that aligns to my values & principles. I was able to navigate thru my strengths and opportunities. In the end, the support she gave helped me figure out what I need to be successful. She had been an amazing partner in my journey of leadership growth. "

Jane Barrion

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"Our instructor, Anna, was absolutely delightful and highly professional. She ensured that we maintained good time, promptly beginning and ending the sessions. She confirmed that everyone had an opportunity to provide input and engage. She wonderfully attempted to get feedback from participants who were not immediately ready to jump in with comments. Anna was keen to listen to the needs of the group and invited several special guests. To me..."

Anju Kakkar

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"Anna is hands down the best coach I've worked with. She's intuitive but doesn't make assumptions, so her style is one of guiding versus directing. This allows plenty of room for self-exploration, which has enabled me to grow professionally (and personally) in a short space of time. I highly recommend working with Anna."


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"Anna Barnhill's expertise and engaging style made the learning experience enjoyable and effective. Her ability to create a supportive environment fostered active participation and encouraged meaningful discussions during office hours. Her prompt feedback and evaluation of assignments and forums were greatly appreciated. Overall, her commitment to our growth and development as learners was evident and had a positive impact on our learning..."

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"Anna is a phenomenal coach. I have worked with a couple of coaches in my professional life. I felt her approach was more insightful and non-judgmental. She gave me time and space to speak out what I am trying to resolve or work towards. She listened carefully and pointed out what the overarching message she was hearing. I felt like she helped me self reflect and self resolve many issues. I resonated better with the outcomes or decisions..."

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"Anna Barnhill is highly recommended. I was paired with her as my executive coach as I transitioned into a leadership role at my organization. My personal change coincided with organizational changes as well that posed a dual challenge. The executive coaching I received from Anna was indispensable during this time. She’s very approachable and open which allows for the level of conversation that leads to deep insight, action planning and..."

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"Attending Anna’s program was a pivotal moment in our team’s development. Her insights and methodologies have been invaluable."


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"Working with Anna, there was no doubt she was completely invested in my success. She takes a highly personalized approach to coaching and is a terrific listener—always helping me to uncover those lightbulb moments for me. I came to her to work on professional development, and I finished with having a clearer understanding of myself, which benefitted me beyond just my career. She is a trusted partner who is motivating, patient and asks the..."

Ariana Finlayson

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"Big thank you to Anna Barnhill for all the support during the Leadership and Innovation program at MIT. Anna's attentive and thoughtful responses to my comments and questions were invaluable. She is not only an outstanding teacher but also a genuinely kind and caring person."

J.P. Peralta

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"Anna went above and beyond expectations, she made the difference in making this a great and comprehensive learning journey."

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"I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Anna as a professional coach. Throughout our time working together, Anna has been an exceptional mentor and guide. Her extensive knowledge and expertise in leadership development have been invaluable to my growth. Anna possesses a unique ability to identify and nurture the potential within individuals. She has helped me to not only recognize areas for improvement but also to excel in both my personal..."

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"From the beginning, I have found Anna to be an insightful and caring coach with a natural intuition about how to tackle issues that otherwise were not apparent to me personally. Anna has patiently worked with me to think through ways to improve my outlook and actions and has not hesitated to bluntly remind me of when I have not followed through with the plans we have developed. Anna is both supportive and demanding, the best combination I..."

Casey Low

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"I highly recommend Anna as an Executive Coach. Her ability to challenge and reshape my perceptions has been instrumental in maintaining my focus on key goals. Anna’s unique approach involves skillfully redirecting attention to what truly matters, coupled with immense patience and understanding. Additionally, Anna’s method of integrating educational articles into our sessions provided valuable insights and enhanced my professional growth..."

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"Anna is wonderful teacher! She is so dedicated and determined to help. I have an impression that she truly cares. She has been going above and beyond to support the class. Thank you so much for the overall experience."

M. Kacher

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"Anna is wonderful! She helped me pick myself up during a difficult time. She gives you the tools to help yourself. I was numb just going through the motions. Anna helped me figure out what I needed to be happy. I finally feel like I am the person I am supposed to be. I highly recommend her. My life has completely changed for the best! "

Becky McGregor

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"I cannot recommend Anna Barnhill highly enough. As my coach, I can always count on Anna to actively listen and provide meaningful input during our sessions. She has thoughtful responses and makes it a point to ask if there is something she can help with. The tools she has provided me with, will help me for a lifetime to come. I am grateful for finding Anna, and all the progress we have made together! "

Christian G.

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"Anna was a great coach to work with! She listens really well and asks pointed questions to get to the bottom of an issue. She makes me feel challenged … and inspires me to think in different ways. Her mental traps framework is very effective in helping me catching and labeling self-sabotaging thoughts as they occur, and I like the perspective switching to ask myself "what would I say/do to my best friend" to cultivate self-compassion. Thanks..."


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"Anna has been the single most helpful voice in my coaching journey. Within only a few sessions she provided me with spot-on good insights. This advice would stick to me, as powerful helpful reminders throughout the weeks to come helping me deal with anxiety. From day one she had an accurate and deep understanding of my concerns, and from there, we outlined action plans that were straightforward and effective. After our sessions, I always feel..."

Laura Novoa

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"Anna is an incredible coach and has helped me tremendously on my wellness journey. She’s been able to help me work through my issues on a large and small scale by identifying the root cause and offering concrete solutions. I understand myself in a way I didn’t before, and I am eternally grateful for Anna because of it. I highly recommend working with her!"


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"Working with Anna has been so beneficial to my career development and personal life. Her approach to coaching, identification of areas that need to be worked on, and finding solutions to life's challenges is incredibly motivating to me. In addition, she is always sharing helpful resources that I can easily follow through. Her kindness and honesty during our sessions made our conversations feel very comfortable. Thank you, Anna! "

Patricia S.

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"Anna is an excellent coach, that is extremely results-focused. She has a strong ability to create awareness of what is holding you back, as well as a plan for moving forward. She asks powerful questions that help to create amazing discoveries and helps to build you up to be able to pursue your big dreams in life. She is calm, professional, and committed to your success. As a result of her coaching, I was able to take significant steps in my..."

Chris A.

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"Anna is an amazing coach. She is a great listener and provides useful feedback regarding my career struggles. She is also providing me with effective frameworks that I haven't used before. Which is key to my momentum. I'm making significant progress personally and professionally with Anna as my coach."


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"Anna is a masterful facilitator. Her exceptional ability to connect with diverse groups makes each session a memorable experience. The impact through her workshops is truly transformative!"

Program Participant

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""Anna was a wonderful coach - she provided me with tools that helped get my anxiety under control, manage my stress better, and practice mindfulness. Anna has a very thoughtful and caring approach and I found it very easy to communicate with her. She helped me realize that I was frequently falling into the catastrophizing "mental trap" and I am now better equipped to challenge that thinking trap and stop myself from catastrophizing, which has..."

Daniel S.

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"Anna Barnhill was an excellent facilitator. She organized really insightful sessions with guest speakers presenting real live experiences that aligned with the course modules content. She actively listened to our challenges and created a space where all the participants felt confident to speak and share their thoughts. "

Osmara R.

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"Anna has been instrumental in providing me new tools to increase the effectiveness and impact of my communication both professionally and in my marriage. Anna coached me through various techniques to improve my perception of information presented to me while also improving my approach to connecting and delivering my message with maximum efficiency. All of Anna’s coaching has been backed with supplemental materials and role play scenarios..."

Matt H.

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"Anna has been great to work with. Her knowledge on the material and how our brain works has been extremely helpful. She has coached me and gave me tools to develop and help me when I run into problems. We have talked about multiple topics and she has found ways to help. How she is different from others is she will make you think and give your homework. She will make sure you are challenged and practice your tools to help develop your skills..."

Mike D.

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"I’m a professional and creative who typically considers herself to be a highly motivated go-getter. However, at the stage I met Anna, I was lost, angry and stuck. I wanted to blame anyone and everything but myself for my “being off my game”. Under all the layers of shame, guilt and procrastination lived the truth – I was 100% responsible for healing myself. Anna helped me uncover this reality. It felt as if her light gave me the..."

Michelle H.

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"Anna is absolutely amazing at what she does. She has helped me to overcome some very difficult things in my life such as being my worst critic, help manage my anxiety/stress, and giving myself self love. I couldn’t be more grateful for my sessions with her. Dealing with such raw emotions and not having the tools to know how to handle them have been extremely difficult for me. She has changed my outlook on life, I would recommend her to..."

Alyssa K

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"Initially my goal was to improve Executive Presence under Pressure and I am really thankful that I got in touch with Anna. We have spoken at length at Thinking Traps, Opposite Reaction, Breathing techniques etc. etc. that have really helped me be more mindful, calm & composed. Anna is a great listener and asks very good questions which at-times makes me really & deeply think about the Why! Thank you Anna for your support on helping me improve..."

Siddharth Sodhani

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"I absolutely recommend Anna as a coach. She is gentle, intuitive, and intelligent. She debriefed my ELI assessment and did an amazing job understanding where I come from and helping me be go through my blocks with compassion. If you are looking to understand you fears and the things that are stopping you to do better at work and life in general, she is the right person! Her work is amazing! Thank you, Anna! "

Katherine M

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"I have greatly appreciated my time with Anna! She exuded an amazing balance between care and constructive guidance. She met me right where I was at every point in time and did so without judgement or critique. She offered thoughtful advice founded in both personal experience and knowledge. Anna always made sure to communicate prior to our meetings what specifically I wanted to cover, which I always appreciated. "

Luke R.

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"Anna has been an amazing coach. She has given me the necessary tools to allow me to be mentally aware and be as present as possible in order to navigate any situation at hand. Her guidance in how to use these tools and how to navigate mental traps has been fundamental and have helped me reduce stress, approach life with a much simpler outlook, and balance my time in ways I was not able to do before. - Thank you so much, Anna. I was able to..."

Daniela M.

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