CPI 260 Leadership Potential and Effectiveness Assessment
Unlock the Power of Leadership with the CPI 260® Personality Assessment
Welcome to a world of profound insights tailored for senior leaders. The CPI 260 (California Psychological Inventory®) is a sophisticated personality assessment that offers a deep and intricate understanding of individuals, making it invaluable for executive recruitment and leadership development. It provides a unique perspective on people currently occupying leadership roles within organizations, offering unparalleled insights that set it apart from other personality assessments.
CPI 260: Discover, Strengthen and Unleash Your Leadership Potential
Going Beyond the Surface:
The CPI 260 personality assessment stands as a pinnacle of personality assessment techniques. It delves deep into an individual's personality, capturing nuances and subtleties that define their character. It does more than just reveal how someone perceives themselves; it provides invaluable insights into how others perceive them and judge their leadership style. This distinctive approach offers a view of leadership ability and potential that is unparalleled in the world of personality assessments.
Areas of Applications:
The CPI 260 serves as a versatile tool with applications including:
- Talent Identification and Selection: Discover the ideal leaders by gaining a holistic understanding of candidates.
- Leadership Development: Empower leaders to reach their full potential by identifying strengths and areas for growth.
- Succession Planning: Ensure a seamless transition of leadership roles.
- Executive Motivation: Dive deep into individual motivation and satisfaction.
- Performance Improvements: Enhance leadership performance to drive organizational success.
Key Features of CPI 260:
Work-Related Insights: The assessment measures work-related characteristics, motivations, and thinking styles, utilizing 26 individually researched trait measures.
Leadership Competency Assessment: Receive feedback on how individuals measure up against 18 leadership competencies, caracterized into the following core performance areas: (Self-Management; Organization and Planning; Team Building and Teamwork; Problem Solving; and Sustaining the Vision), highlighting strengths and areas for development.
Motivation and Satisfaction: Gain insights into individual motivation and current levels of satisfaction.
Revealing the Unseen:
The CPI 260 is exceptional in its ability to unveil less obvious aspects of personality. It employs a sophisticated design that can provide information about a person that may be hidden or even unknown to the individual themselves. This approach ensures that insights on a profound level. Additionally, this assessment is highly resistant to faking, as the questions are not overtly related to the qualities they measure, ensuring authenticity in the results.
Interpretation of the CPI 260 instrument begins with three basic orientations:
1. Toward other people and interpersonal experience
2. Toward conventional rules and values
3. Toward one’s inner feelings
The first two orientations are expressed in observable behavior. The third deals with feelings of self-realization and level of satisfaction. These orientations offer a unique perspective on a person's character and are assessed by separate measures. Scores on these measures define four distinctive lifestyles, reflecting how individuals perceive themselves and how they are viewed by others.
The third basic theme of this instrument pertains to one’s sense of satisfaction in living and feelings of self-realization or fulfillment. Those who rank low on this measure tend to be dissatisfied with their current status and feel that their potentialities are not being fulfilled or realized. Those who score high tend to feel that they are living up to their own potentialities and also that they can cope effectively with the demands of living.
Five Conceptual Categories:
The CPI 260 assessment provides reports on 26 scales related to organizational behavior and leadership effectiveness, classified into five conceptual categories:
1. Dealing with others (dominance, capacity for status, sociability, social presence, self-acceptance, independence, empathy)
2. Self-management ( responsibility, social conformity, self-control, good impression, communicality, well-being, tolerance)
3. Motivations and thinking style ( achievement via conformance, achievement via independence, conceptual fluency)
4. Personal characteristics (insighfulness, flexibility, sensitivity)
5. Work-related measures ( managerial potential, work orientation, creative temperament, leadership, amicability, law enforcement orientation)
Tailored for Senior Leadership:
We understand that senior leaders may have encountered personality assessments before and may be skeptical about their utility. The CPI 260 is uniquely resonant for senior leaders as it highlights discrepancies between an individual's self-perception and how others perceive them. Validated against a group of high-performing senior managers, the CPI 260 unveils what a leader's peers are likely to think about their leadership style and how the individual rates against specific competencies crucial for leadership success.
The Leadership Characteristics are organized into the following core performance areas:
1. Self-Management ( self-awareness, self-control, resilience)
2.Organizational Capabilities ( use of power & authority, comfort with organizational structures, responsibility & accountability, decisiveness)
3. Team Building and Teamwork (interpersonal skills, understanding others, capacity for collaboration, working with and through others)
4. Problem Solving ( creativity, handling sensitive problems, action orientation)
5. Sustaining Vision ( self-confidence, managing change, influence, comfort with visibility)
You will receive two powerful CPI260 reports: (1) The Client Feedback Report; and (2) The Coaching Report for Leaders that will detail practical strategies you can implement to strengthen your inner-core strengths and address your gaps, so you can become an even greater leader than you are today.
Experience the CPI 260 and Unearth True Leadership Potential:
The CPI 260 isn't just an assessment; it's a revelation of untapped leadership potential. Join the league of leaders who have harnessed the power of the CPI 260 to redefine their leadership journey. Elevate your leadership with CPI 260 today and embark on a transformative path towards leadership excellence. Your journey begins here, where leadership potential meets profound insight.